داستان آبیدیک

progressive era


1 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: عصر مترقی

Herbert Croly, the first editor of the New Republic and a major intellectual figure in the Progressive era, characterized Thomas Jefferson's conception of limited government as "the old fatal policy of drift," as contrasted with Alexander Hamilton's policy of "energetic and intelligent assertion of the national good." But none of these plain facts prevailed against the vision of the Progressive era intelligentsia, who in this case included President Theodore Roosevelt. One of the popular muckraking books of the Progressive era was The History of the Standard Oil Company by Ida Tarbell, which said among other things that Rockefeller "should have been satisfied"23 with what he had achieved financially by 1870, implying greed in his continued efforts to increase the size and profitability of Standard Oil. Thus in the Progressive era of the early twentieth century, racial and ethnic minorities were viewed in largely negative terms, and Progressive support of the eugenics movement was not unrelated to the presumed desirability of preventing these minorities from propagating "too many" of their own kind. The Progressive era, at the beginning of the twentieth century, saw the beginning of a pattern that would become dominant- first among the intellectuals and then in the courts- later in that century.

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